By David Trout

Compliance projects involve designing, implementing, and documenting dozens or even hundreds of security controls. Whether you multiple that by a small team of ONE already-overworked person or by a larger team including technical staff, management, and consultants, it’s easy to see the potential for frustration.  Keeping track of compliance work can be challenging.  A solution like Rizkly simplifies compliance by providing clear, step-by-step instructions and a central hub to manage and track your project…and expert advisory so you can ask questions whenever.  



Rizkly’s Guided Security & Compliance (GSC) service simplifies your compliance project with:

  • very affordable pricing that works for SMBs
  • built-in checklists, instructions and control statements
  • simple tasking and tracking 
  • automatic SSP & POAM generation
  • a compliance co-pilot to help you to the finish line

Does GSC sound like the right compliance approach for your company? Rizkly combines a powerful app with included expert advisory for one low monthly rate.   It’s the perfect compliance solution for SMBs.  If you’re embarking on a compliance initiative,  please contact us. We’ll pick up the phone and give you a call.